• Question: Is there a way to transport different cells to other parts of the body by using reactions and other elements, perhaps it could be used for healing and aiding people?

    Asked by 767cesk24 to Ester on 14 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ester Gil Vazquez

      Ester Gil Vazquez answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      I am not sure about that. Here’s one thing that I find really interesting: most of the cells are what they are because they are where they are. It is the same as happens with people, right? It is not the same having been raised in Europe than in Africa: you become a very different person based on the environment you are in. In the case of cells, when you move them around they can also change shape and functions. What we are trying to do now in the labs is taking cells from one part of the body and sending them different signals so that they transform into other type of cells. Then, they could be implanted in other part of the body and substitute “ill” cells that can’t do the job. However, we can’t do it inside the body, by just moving the cells around.
