• Question: what is your greatest achievement in life? And how did you achieve it?

    Asked by 492cesk43 to Eoin, Ester, Natasha on 16 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Natasha Myhill

      Natasha Myhill answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      Ooh wow such a tricky question! I think my greatest achievement in my life has been to get this PhD. A PhD is a 3 or 4 year degree course where you spend your time in the lab trying to discover something no-one else has done before. Funded PhDs can be fairly competitive to get, and I am really pleased with the one I was offered a place for. I think in order to be chosen, you have to have demonstrated that you are a good scientist in the laboratory as well as having a passion for research. To get to that point, I did my first degree at Durham University, and then a Masters Research degree at Imperial College London. I think it also helped that I did a summer placement at GSK, which gave me some good experience of how science works in industry.

    • Photo: Ester Gil Vazquez

      Ester Gil Vazquez answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      Difficult…I think that my greatest academic must have been some sort of scholarship for Msc or for the PhD: that basically means that you get people to pay you to study. It’s pretty great. In order to get that you need to have good grades and a project in your mind that you think you can complete and may benefit society (like developing a cure for cancer in my case).

      I don’t know what my greatest personal achievement would be, but I’m pretty proud of some of the songs I’ve written, some of my writings and mostly about being able to call friends to some of the most amazing people I’ve met 🙂
