• Question: When do you think robots will be an important part of our lives? Are you scared?

    Asked by Elicabanas to Eoin, Ester, Natasha, Paul, Tom on 15 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Natasha Myhill

      Natasha Myhill answered on 15 Nov 2017:

      Yeah I think that it is unfortunately inevitable – and it does scare me! The idea of artificial intelligence I find very scary, but that might be because of all the sci-fi movies I have watched where robots turn against humans 😛 I think if I knew more about robots and AI, it would probably be less scary – generally in life, the more you know about something, the less scary it is!

    • Photo: Eoin McKinney

      Eoin McKinney answered on 15 Nov 2017:

      They already are – I use artifiical intelligence and machine learning to help discover new medicines. Robots already make many of the things we buy and our cars include robotics, as do our phones, our computers…..
      We have the ability to control how robotics and AI develop but it has the potential to be very scary! Espceially if you watch some of the films based on it…!

    • Photo: Paul McKeegan

      Paul McKeegan answered on 16 Nov 2017:

      Robots are awesome!
      But there are of course a few scary possibilities that come with them…
      Lots of jobs are being taken over by robots. It makes sense as they don’t need to stop for a wee and they don’t make mistakes. Factory work is now mostly done by robots, and soon we might have robotic cars and buses on the road too! Some jobs are safer than others – anything that requires very fiddly work – like science – or most clinical jobs and stuff involving person to person contact will be safe for a long time yet.
      We do need to think about A.I. though. In the future, we will likely have machines that are smarter than us. They will be able to improve themselves much more quickly than we can. We need to make sure we develop this A.I. in the right way. I’m not too scared though – I think intelligent beings will see the beauty in the world and the value of other life, so I will expect them to act more like R2-D2 than the T-1000.

    • Photo: Ester Gil Vazquez

      Ester Gil Vazquez answered on 17 Nov 2017:

      I think they are and they’ll continue being an important part of our lives. And yes, it is scary.What I find most scary is the idea that these machines may at some point be able to develop consciousness -they’d be practically like humans. Some people (transhumanisms) are already talking about replacing our body parts by robotic pieces. What would be the difference between one of these intelligent robots and us if we were to do that?
      The process may slow down in some areas because we are not prepared to accept errors from robots that we’d accept from humans. For example, you may have heard of cars that drive themselves (they have artificial intelligence). What would happen if one of this cars was involved in an accident? even if machines caused less accidents than humans, people would still not be happy putting their lives in hands of machines that may “fail”.
