• Question: Do you work in a lab or you experiment around

    Asked by 478cesk27 to Eoin, Ester, Ildiko, Natasha, Paul, Tom on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Ester Gil Vazquez

      Ester Gil Vazquez answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      I always work in a lab (and all cancer biologists do). It is the best environment for conducting experiments because you can [try to ]control everything (temperature, humidity, that nothing weird falls inside your tubes) and make sure that everything is safe and that dangerous reagents/viruses don’t get out of the lab.

    • Photo: Natasha Myhill

      Natasha Myhill answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      I am based in a lab, a really nice one which is quite big and has lots of space (this is unusual, labs are generally quite small). We then have a little office in a separate room because you should keep these areas separate – this helps keep the lab a bit more sterile (sciency word for free from bacteria/clean). However, what is great about science is it is fairly collaborative – lots of people from all over work together and help each other out. So I might be working with some scientists in Cardiff soon, or even get to go out to America!

    • Photo: Ildiko Somorjai

      Ildiko Somorjai answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      I do all kinds of things, from lab work to computer work to fieldwork, just because of the kind of biological questions that I study-but most scientists usually stick to just one!

    • Photo: Paul McKeegan

      Paul McKeegan answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      Yes, I work in a lab most of the time too! Otherwise, I am at my office desk analysing data and reading stuff. I grow cells in a culture lab and use imaging labs, analytical chemistry labs and others for different experiments. I’m a little jealous of Natasha’s big lab though!
